If you need to cancel or change your booking (including guest numbers), please give us a heads up at least 24 hours before your reservation. Adding extra people? No problem, as long as we’ve got the space.
Make sure everyone in your group gets here within 20 minutes of your booking time. If not, we may offer your spot to We’ll try our best to accommodate late arrivals, but we cant promise your original spot.
We’ll reach out before your booking to confirm if you still need it. Please let us know if your plans have changed so we can free up the space to others
Groups of four or less may be asked to share a table.
Enjoy yourself, but drink responsibly! We might ask for ID and reserve the right to refuse entry. If you look under 25, you’ll need to show ID to buy alcohol. It’s illegal to buy booze if you’re are under 18, for yourself or anyone else. Don’t forget, alcohol is for grown ups so please behave like one
We have a zero tolerance policy and anyone caught with, using, or distributing drugs will be banned and reported to the police.
We welcome guests under 18 from midday to 8pm. We may ask for ID, and we reserve the right to refuse entry.
Only food and drink purchased at the premises may be consumed at the venue
We reserve the right to refuse entry to the premises. Management decisions are final.